Evaluating Public Healthcare for Adolescents in Tamil Nadu, India: Where Does Affordable Access to Healthcare Stand?

Methods: Literature Review, Surveys, Interviews, Focus Group Discussions, Field Observation, Policy Analysis

This mixed-methods project evaluated the effectiveness of public healthcare systems for adolescents in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. My aim was to identify gaps and issues in the implementation and working of the nascent National Adolescent Health Program in Tamil Nadu, and to help bridge these gaps by examining the design and implementation of the program, identifying factors constraining its effective implementation and critically examining the program’s process indicators and their quality. 

First, I conducted a comprehensive literature review of factors shaping the enabling environment for adolescent health in India. Second, I conducted a unit analysis of national survey data to identify trends in access to healthcare, costs of treatment and financing mechanisms used by adolescents in Tamil Nadu between 2004 and 2014. Third, I conducted field research at rural Primary Healthcare Centers across 2 districts in the state, using semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, field observation and program data (from the National Adolescent Health Program) with doctors, nurses and ASHA workers. 
