Dr. Isha Bhallamudi

Dr. Isha Bhallamudi

Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University

Hi there!

My name is Isha and I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Digital Civil Society Lab at Stanford University. I study how AI-mediated platforms shape work, social life, and wellbeing, with particular attention to gender, accessibility, inequality, development, and culture in Majority World contexts. I have worked on a range of projects around these topics and others, with a variety of collaborators and teams across South Asia, UK, US and Sub-Saharan Africa. You can check out some of my projects here.

After completing my PhD in Sociology from UC Irvine, I am currently working on a book based on my dissertation project, which examined the gender dynamics of platform work in India. Other ongoing projects record new forms of algorithmic management in beauty platforms, examine women’s access to work in contemporary India, and analyze how Indian immigrant tech workers shape work cultures in Silicon Valley. I am deeply invested in applying historical-comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives to platform research, in order to assess and mitigate the growing harms of AI technologies.

Going forward, I am looking for jobs that let me combine academic research with industry impact, and am open to non-traditional teams and organizations. Please get in touch if you have openings!

Download my CV.

Download my 1 pg resume.

  • Technology
  • Platforms
  • Gender
  • Work
  • Inequality
  • Development
  • Culture
  • Majority Worlds
  • PhD in Sociology, 2024

    University of California Irvine

  • MA in Demographic and Social Analysis, 2021

    University of California Irvine

  • Integrated MA in Development Studies (minor in Economics), 2017

    Indian Institute of Technology Madras

  • Sep 2024: I started a new position as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Digital Civil Society Lab at Stanford University.
  • Sep 2024: My book proposal was accepted for the AIIS Dissertation-to-Book Workshop at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • Sep 2024: A book chapter co-authored with Prof. Lakshmi Lingam (“Good Girls” and “Bad Boys”: Smartphones and the Social Reproduction of Gender) will be out shortly!
